miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in our discipline

Recently one paper says that our discipline, public administration, his one of the new most demanded careers, so I suppose that is because finally we are being more recognised as an important discipline and an important work to the new social needs.

About technologies, this is an important element and a kind of tool to carry out our work, we have a lot to principles to obey, like transparency in the information, efficiency and efficacy, and obviously, technology is part of the modernization of the State process.
Maybe we need to teach to the common citizen how to use this technologies, to be informed, because technology is to help us as public employed, but also is to help to the society in general.
About social matters, the fist thing that I’ve learned in my career, was that the State is at the service of people, and It’s a State responsibility to satisfy public needs as a priority, so we are in our legitimate right to demand…
About education is very closed at the last two points, because as I’ve repeated in almost all my last blogs, in this country there’s not civic education!!!! And we need it so much! People almost don’t know what is a citizen, have never read or know our Constitution, and in school don’t but we don’t teach what a hell to do with that! (excuse my language, please :P) and It’s part of our responsibility as well informed and well educated (as far as possible) people to do this civic education works, for our own welfare, to do a better country and a useful public system.

So I think that the most urgent challenge is to teach people, civic education, civic education… CIVIC EDUCATION! Or all the efforts will be a waste of time if people have tools, but not know how to use it.
It’s an enormous responsibility that we have in our hands, but it’s a personal challenge to help to make this country a better country :)

1 comentario:

  1. I believe that the State have the responsibility of satisfy public needs and the technologies help a lot.

    And you have a reason, the people need civic education and more concience to saveguard the public property (like the Tulio's spot)
