miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

I would love to visit Switzerland!

I really want to travel to Switzerland, because my mother's best friend lives there since five or six years ago, so everytime she comes to visit us, she talks about her new life there, she says than is a very cosmopolitan country, it's a country with an excellent standard of life, it's near of many countries than I want to visit (France, Germany and Italy), and It's a complete culture, they talk many languages, and it's characterized to be an important headquarter of international organization like IRC, UNO, WHO, and many others, I think than this country is an excellent option to work when I finish my career, it has a good public system. So perhaps I can live or study in Switzerland one day... to bring many new and better ideas to chilean government.
There is Laussant University, It's also an option to make exchange, our university has a lot of agreements with european colleges.

I know than it's an neutral country and has an civil army, they have a public health system, public education system than really works, and of course, they make the best chocolate in the world!!

The weather there is really cold, my mother's friend, Jessie, lives in Ginebra, we always see her photos on Facebook, you can see beautiful white mountains, landscapes covered with snow.

1 comentario:

  1. Ooooh!!! Maybe Switzerland could be a cold place! jajaja, but you made a good decision to travel.

    The mountains!! To beautiful!

    See you Pame!

    Kisses for you!
